最近因為我自己想買 [104美國直購] Cuisinart GR-150 Griddler Deluxe 燒烤機


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[104美國直購] Cuisinart GR-150 Griddler Deluxe 燒烤機 的產品介紹在下面,











Product Description

Cuisinart GR-150 Griddler Deluxe

Take Meals to New Heights

The Cuisinart Griddler Deluxe takes grilling to new heights! It offers six enticing cooking options. The reversible grill and griddle plates, combined with dual-zone temperature control, give home chefs complete control. This grill is perfect for making pancakes and eggs for breakfast, panini and open-faced sandwiches for lunch, and burgers or fajitas for dinner. The extra-large grilling surface is ideal for entertaining a crowd or making family meals. The new SearBlast feature locks in the flavor of steaks. With dishwasher-safe accessories, an elegant new look, and 1800 watts of power, deluxe is an understatement.

Product Benefits

Six Ways to Cook: 240 square inches of cooking surface handle big orders of bacon and eggs, panini sandwiches, seared filets, and saut?ed vegetables.

Enou期間限定gh Power to Sear: 1800 watts of power and 500°F max plate temperatures let you sear meats, fish, and poultry. The 2-minute SearBlast破盤 feature locks in flavors.

DuoControl Heating Advantage: Independent temperature controls let you warm tortillas on one plate while saut?ing chicken and veggies on the other. Makes combination cooking easier than ever.

Adjustable Top Cover for More Cooking Options: The top cover 'floats' for classic contact grilling and manually adjusts to 6 different heights to top-melt. Perfect for open-faced sandwiches and grilled pizzas.

Extra-Large Cooking Surface: Cook up to 12 pancakes on the full griddle or grill up to 6 burgers in the contact grill position.

Quick & Easy Cleanup: Removable plates, drip tray, and scraper are dishwasher safe.

Cuisinart GR-150 Griddler Deluxe

Product Features

Reversible nonstick plates flip from grill to griddle, provide a total of 240 square inches of cooking surface, and are dishwash網友開箱介紹er safe. Grill side is perfect for grilling steak, burgers, chicken, and vegetables. Use the griddle side to prepare pancakes, eggs, heat tortillas, even sear scallops.

SearBlast meats, fish or poultry at 500°F for up to two minutes at a time. Sear on one or both plates.

Height-adjustable top cover with 6 preset height positions. Lower to contact grill or raise for melting; lock to store.

Independent temperature controls provide full range of temperatures, from Warm to 450°F, for each cooking plate.

Integrated drip tray removes for easy dishwasher cleanup.

Brushed stainless steel housing on the base and cover brings Cuisinart's trademark elegance into any kitchen.

Product Details

View the Product Manual [PDF]

Product Dimensions: 14.6 x 15.7 x 7.6 inches ; 13.3 pounds

Shipping Weight: 16.4 pounds


Item model numbe暢銷r: GR-150












[104美國直購] Cuisinart GR-150 Griddler Deluxe 燒烤機 討論,推薦,開箱,CP值,熱賣,團購,便宜,優惠,介紹,排行,精選,特價,周年慶,體驗,限時








Julien的老家在法國奧弗涅,脫下了廚師服,你很難想像這位濃眉、蓄著短鬚的法國年輕帥哥,不只是新加坡美術館內〈Odette〉餐廳的主人,還帶領著廚藝團隊為餐廳在新加坡首次出版的〈米其林指南〉中一舉摘下了2星。在網路發達的新時代,追求極致美味體驗的美食控,花錢消費的意願深受專業食評與社群媒體的影響、甚至「主宰」。而Julien主持的〈Odette〉能在競爭激烈的新加坡餐飲市場中,受到美食控的推崇並摘星,憑的不只是「美食網紅」的吹捧文,更重要的是,曾在新加坡「星廚搖籃」之稱的〈Jaan〉餐廳擔任主廚的Julien,對「米其林摘星方程式」了然於胸,其烹調料理所用食材與廚藝技法,正是臥匿名臥底調查的米其林評鑑員最欣賞的「套路」。〈Tarroir〉介紹Julien Royer的文宣中指出,他的菜「保有經典美味,融合各地最適食材,簡單現代呈現,傳遞精緻美味體驗」。同時並將其料理定義為「Essential Cuisine」。是的,Julien的菜,呈盤時尚現代,不像很多年輕新銳廚師用些「小花小草」的虛張聲勢譁眾取寵,但卻內蘊美味,且廚功細膩複雜,主副食材搭配互補的邏輯順理成章且組織嚴密,盤中所見食材皆是「為美味而存在」,所用廚藝技法亦皆是「為創造口感而使」。雖外形與傳統法菜大異其趣,但就「味道」而言,閉了眼嘗,仍能確定是法國菜無誤。〈蘑菇清湯〉是〈Odette〉的招牌美餚,Julien演繹英文名為「Mushroom Tea」的湯品時,先在透明杯中放了用綜合菇菌作的奶沫(Foam),然後用濾壓茶壺將熬煮並過濾後色似茶湯的蘑菇清湯沖淋入杯,在奶沫的「助攻」下,這湯更濃、更鮮,隨湯所附的〈牛肝菌布里歐小麵包〉,搭配享用,美味邏輯一脈相承。〈綜合甜菜根〉是將紅、黃與彩虹甜菜根,以原形、雪酪冰砂(Sorbet)與蛋白霜餅形式,搭配了以海綿蛋糕、小漢堡,以及用橄欖油打發的羊奶酪組合呈現,並用了小塊蜂巢與紅色小石榴提味,整道菜酸甜鹹苦共陳,口感豐富多層,展現不厭精細的做工。〈55分鐘烏骨雞蛋〉出菜時以乾冰製造了「漫步在雲端」的意象,Julien用彰化王功的烏骨雞蛋以攝氏67度低溫慢煮55分鐘烹成溫泉蛋,吃食時將似生卻熟的蛋滑入碗中,拌著碗內的玉米粒、烤玉米筍、玉米鬚、榛果和玉米番茄醬一起入口,玉米的香甜與蛋香交融,幻化難忘美味。食材雖簡單,味道卻「劇力萬鈞」,正是「星餚風範」。用屏東乳鴿烹製的〈乾牧草燻烤屏東乳鴿〉,鴿胸肉煎烤,鴿腿肉油封,兩部位不同風味與口感。Julien並將之置入鑄鐵鍋內另外用牧草煙燻賦上焦香,呈盤時另附上用鴿子心與內臟作的慕斯,享用鴿肉時可當沾醬,更添風味。Kai此次與Julien聯烹設計的菜餚則有靈感源於〈醉蝦〉的〈車蝦女兒紅〉,用豬舌、天梯(豬牙齦)與雞佛入饌的〈阿膽.阿固.阿醇的攝取〉,以及用白巧克力片與湯圓和小羊羹與黑糖碎冰共構的甜點〈紅豆牛奶冰〉等。新加坡米其林2星主廚與擅長演繹「台魂法菜」的台籍主廚,料理手路大相逕庭、菜餚風味口感亦南北殊途,穿插共陳,雙廚聯烹、實為競技,食來過癮。

位在新加坡國哪裡買家美術館內的的〈Odette〉餐廳,是今年首度出版的〈新加坡米其林指南〉中6家2星餐廳中的其中一家。由於餐廳主廚Julien Royer的法菜烹藝很高明,故在星洲米其林指南正式出爐前,新加坡不少美食饕客認為〈Odette〉很有機會一舉摘下3星。雖然,最後〈Odette〉只得到了2顆星,卻已足以證明Julien的廚藝確有獨到高明之處。新加坡食家們並稱,Julien總有一天會摘下米其林3星。





鉅亨網記者王莞甯 台北

美國總統大選結果即將於下周公布,目前不確定性高度漫延在全球金融市場,台灣央行今 (4) 日指出,無論最後由誰當選,已做好準備有信心和能力維持外匯市場秩序。

央行官員指出,市場一般認為川普若當選,會存在較高不確定性,導致本周國際美元、美國公債殖利率雙雙滑落,而 VIX(俗稱恐慌指數) 也從 10 月 27 日 (FBI 宣布前) 的 15.36 一口氣飆升至昨日的 22.08,顯然市場憂心選舉結果。


針對美國升息步調,央行官員則說,據最新美國聯邦資金利率期貨數據顯示,12 月 FOMC 升息的機率為 78%,而 FOMC 會後聲明,特別把「預期短期通膨維持低檔」的字眼拿掉,暗示美國升息的機率更加提升。

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